Tomorrow is the first day of the new Weekend League. It is an unusual set up, as you can play Anytime Friday through Monday, but you must be able to play the single elimination/match play playoff on Saturday, March 11th.

The fees are: $5 green fee, $5 league payout for the pot at the end of the season, $1 CTP (which is divided between the 2 winners each week), and a $2 Ace Pot (which accumulates until someone gets an Ace), There is also an optional $2 bonus fee for a pot to be divided by the top 3 point accumulators at the finals.

You must play with someone else in this league, but there are plenty of others, already signed up, that you can join.

You must play a minimum of 10 of the 18 weeks to qualify for the finals, but the more you play, the more points you earn which might give you a buy for the 1st round.

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