Sunday, February 19, 2017
9:00am – 3:30pm


 Entry FeePayout

Pro levels  $35.00

AM 1 Levels $25.00

AM 2 Levels $20.00

Recreation $20.00


Ace Pot $5.00

CTP $5.00

Cash payouts are given to top 1/3 players in each division.

Part of each green fee goes to pay for the disc and the green fees are  donated to the food pantry.

We will also be accepting food donations all week.

There is a special opportunity from the IB sponsor. If at least 20 players register and pay online at  ( We will receive a free DISCatcher Traveler, which we can raffle off for the charity. I would also give those who preregister there -2 free tickets for the raffle.. You still need to let me know in the next few weeks which disc you want.

Disc Options:

DX Aviar 145-149, 160s, 170-175

DX Roc 145-149, 160s, 170-174, or 175-180

DX Stingray 145-149, 160s, 170-174, or 175-180

DX Teebird  145-149, 160s, 170-175

DX Leopard 3 160s or 170-175

KC Pro Roc 170-174, or 175-180

Champion Tern 160s or 170-175

SS Organic Magic 160s or 170-175

SSS Voodoo 160s or 170-175

RFF Wizard 160s or 170-175

Soft Wizard 160s or 170-175

Evolution Assassin 150s, 160s or 170-175

Crystal Z Buzz 170s

Elite Z Buzz 170-174 or 175-179

Prime Marshall 173-174

Prime Witness 173-174

Classic Judge 173-174

BioFuzion Defender 173-174

BioFuzion Breakout 145-149

Lucid Convict 173-174

Lucid Truth 177+

Delta T Omega 170-175

Q MS Aurora  175-180

